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Code Testing

I'm now really trying to push the development mindset of Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavioural Driven Development (BDD) into all of my projects. It's a great way to keep your code clean and follow best practices while development, which in the long term will pay off when making updates and further additions to your codebase.

New Website Rollout

I've now refreshed my website to a more updated and responsive design. Using modern development techniques and technology to keep it up to date.

Website Update

My site as it is today is now over 5 years old! It uses none of the new development methods I currently employ while working as a contractor. I've been working up a complete update to refresh the whole site.

HTML Canvas Experiment

I had a little bit of down time during a lunch break and wanted to experiment with something new. So I decided to have a go with some animation and event functions within an HTML5 canvas

New Facebook Study

I’m currently doing a little experiment within Facebook. It involves working out how a user views and interacts with Facebook, and their willingness to share and like content I present to them for the experience of using my content.

Incorporating HTML5 into Facebook Applications

Over the last couple of months I've had clients request that their Facebook Applications should all be useable on an iPad or other tablets and in some cases mobile phones. I can see their reasoning behind this as there's a lot of rich content being placed into these tabs/applications and they want to go for a maximum audience.

Facebook Developer Update

It's been an interesting month with a lot of developments. First off is that Arena Quantum won best use of search at the NMA's with the FlyThomasCook dynamic Adwords work.

Facebook Fan Page Tabs

I'm currently working on some cool new Facebook Applications and Facebook Fan Page Tabs for the BBC. The aim is to drive traffic from the social networking site to the BBC website. Also, it also gives the BBC a chance to engage with programme fans and give some of their great content back to Facebook users.

Web Designer in Guildford

I have now been a freelance web designer in Guildford now for almost 6 months and it has been going really well. With experience from years working for media agencies and web-based companies I decided to take my skills and abilities of rapid solution design and development to help other companies increase and improve their web presence.

Vodafone Facebook Competition

This month Vodafone launched a competition I designed and built on their Facebook Fan Page to give their fans a chance to go and see the unveiling of the brand new Vodafone Mclaren F1 car in Berlin.